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Christian Heinz


Executive Vice President (EVP), Group Director Resources & Sustainable Industry, ILF Consulting Engineers

Christian Heinz studied business administration and engineering in Munich, Germany and started his professional career with ILF in Munich in 1991. In the 1990s he worked on various projects in a managerial capacity, including a project to modernize the Qua Iboe Terminal of Mobil Oil (now ExxonMobil) in Nigeria and a project to construct the new Leuna refinery in central Germany. In 2008 he became the head of ILF’s pipeline/midstream business area in Germany. In 2014, he was appointed to the Group Management Board, and as Group Director of Oil & Gas he is responsible for coordinating all activities in this main business area. Christian Heinz is married, has two grown-up children, and is very interested in history and art