

Participating session

Pirliyev Maksat Babadurdyyevich was born on October 17, 1978 in the village Bagir of Ruhabat district of Ahal province. For the period of 1985-1995 he studied at school № 6 of Ruhabat district. After graduation, he entered to the faculty of world economic and international affairs of the Turkmen State University. In 1999, he graduated with specialization international economist with knowledge of English. From 1999 to 2000 he did the military service. From 2000 to 2008 he worked at the State Commercial Bank “Dayhanbak” on the positions as Specialist in Accounting and Reporting Department, Senior Specialist of Pension Insurance and Agencies Department, and also worked at bank branch of Ruhabat district of Ahal province as Deputy Chief Accountant and Chief Accountant. For the period of October to December, 2008 he worked at Joint-Stock Company “Gok Gushak” as Senior Economist – Head of Revision-Economic Department. For the period of March to July, 2009 he worked at Abadan branch of the State Commercial Bank “Halkbank” in Accounting and Reporting Department on the positions of Senior Specialist and Chief Accountant. From 2009 to 2016 worked at the State Agency for management and use of oil and gas resources under the President of Turkmenistan on the positions of Senior Specialist of the Economic Analysis of “Nebitdag” Department; Head of European Representative Office; Senior Specialist of “Nebitdag” Department; Head of “Toplum-21” Department; Head of “Nebitdag” Department. From 2016 to 2018 he worked at central apparatus of the State Concern “Turkmenoil” on the positions of the Acting Head of “Nebitdag” Department, Head of “Nebitdag” Department, Deputy Head of Agreements on Products Sharing Agreement Management - Head of “Nebitdag” Department. From August 31, 2018 up to now he works as the General Director of Closed Joint-Stock Company Turk-men National Oil and Gas Company. He is married with four children.