Nadezhda Sheveleva

Chief Sustainability Expert, UHSEP

Participating session
Side event
Topic: SPE Technical Panel Discussion: Upstream challenges and opportunities in a future of growing demand: carbon capture and sour gas reinjection

Nadzeda Sheveleva began her career in 2010 in Moscow, working as an accountant at Lukoil Overseas Services B.V. Subsequently, from 2011 to 2013, she transitioned to the environmental department of the same company. In 2013, Nadzeda was transferred to Dubai, where she became a senior environmental specialist at Lukoil Overseas Holding Ltd. Following that, in 2014, she worked as a project manager at Capra Energy Group and in 2015, as a financial manager and environmental consultant at Pan Mediterranean Engineering Company Ltd. In 2020 and 2021, she served as an expert at the Russian Gas Society and from 2020 to 2022, she worked at the Federal Center for Analysis and Assessment of Investment Projects and Damage Assessment Department. Since 2015, Nadzeda Sheveleva has been leading the environmental and conservation department at AO Ruspetro in Moscow. In 2017, she became an associate professor at the Department of Oil and Gas Industry Economics, and in 2019, she assumed the role of director at Eco Oil Gas Consulting.